The Game Plan

9 Nov

A month into my new adventures in the home of the brave and Big Macs I have already encountered temptation. What is temptation, you might ask. To clearify I will give you some local examples from this area:

1. The Mint Condition Cooler at Caribou Coffee. Starbucks and Java Chip Frappucino – move over. There’s a new kid in town. The Mint Condition Cooler is simply 570 calories worth of heaven absorbed through a straw. It is sooo good, but sooo bad. I ignore the bad part. Yesterday I was recognized by the barista at Caribou, because I’d ordered the same damn thing several days in a row.

Enjoying a mint condition on a sunny November day.

2. Fro-Zen-Yo – Really, frozen yoghurt isn’t that bad for you. Top it with an excess of chocolate chips and it is. And when it’s self serve, pay by the weight, you always end up adding just a little more than you really can handle. But you can’t let good things go to waste, so you eat just a little more than you can handle too.

Every day is a frozen yoghurt day!

3. Georgetown Cupcake – A shop that has it’s own national TV show must be tried out once…or twice…or every time you are in Georgetown (which is luckily not too often nowadays, because it’s the stairway to extra icing on your tummy and toosh and other places). On the other hand, the sports store I’ll be working at is right next to another cupcake store – Cakelove. I pray their cupcakes suck. I don’t really, but it probably would be a good thing if they did.

Georgetown Cupcakes - worth every calorie.

Ok, so you get the idea (and hopefully some good suggestions on where to go when in the DC area :)).

My mother knows my weakness for sweet temptations, perhaps because because she has quite the sweet tooth herself, and – as you may recall – believes I will be fatter than her in two years. Therefore I had to come up with a brilliant idea to make her eat her words!

And so, without further ado, I give to you the game plan:

I have been reading up on the tips and tricks to not gain weight (or to lose weight for that matter). The hip diet right now is the LCHF (low carb high fat). There are too many diet pills to name on the market. I could opt for the raw food diet, the glycemic index diet, the Atkins diet or maybe the cabbage soup diet. Or I could just wait two years and then go for liposuction.

However, since I’m not hip or trendy I’m just going to be totally wild and aim for the good old burn-as-many-calories-as-you-intake-diet. Well, approximately as many. Yup, I’m gonna keep walking, running, playing soccer, biking and lifting weights.

And I’m going to eat my cupcakes and drink my Mint Condition Cooler without a bad conscience.

How’s that for a game plan?

3 Responses to “The Game Plan”

  1. Marie November 9, 2011 at 12:52 pm #

    Gotta love it, Tina! Du er så kul!!

    • Tina November 9, 2011 at 3:50 pm #

      DU er kul! Jeg har spist pumpkin bread til ære for deg i høst 🙂

  2. Marie November 11, 2011 at 4:22 pm #

    Ah, jeg er nesten villig til å lære å bake på ordentlig, for å få en smak av pumpkin bread og chai latte på SB!

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